central government Circular and order

Welfare Schemes/Concessions From Service HQs

Benefits: Disabled Soldiers Invalided/Boarded out of service. In addition to benefits mentioned at Para 1 above, following benefits are applicable for disabled soldiers invalided/boarded out of service

S. No.DescriptionAmount entitledProcessed By
AaMore than 75% disabilityRs. 6.00 lacs  AG’s Branch(R&W Sec) 
AbMore than 50% upto 75% disabilityRs. 4.50 lacs
AcLess or upto 50% disabilityRs. 3.00 lacs
(Auth: Army HQ Letter No. B/46981/NDF/AG/CW-7 dated 03 Sep. 99)
(ii)Disabled soldiers (BC) of all operations w.e.f. 01 May, 99 excluding OP VIJAY (K)” invalided/ boarded/ out/ prematurely released from service in law med categoryOne time grant ofRs. 1.00 LacAG’sBranch(R&W Sec)
 (Auth: Army HQ Letter No. B/46987/NDF/AG/ACWF(K) dated 27 Oct., 99
BService Pension with Disability elementDepending on percentage of disabilityCDA(P) Allahabad
CArmy Group Insurance (AGI)Depends upon disability percentage but not less than 20%AGI Dte
DAGI MaturityAs per contributionAGI Dte
IComplete fee exemption from tuition fee (full amount) and other fees (Capitation fee and Caution Money not included) levied by the Educational Institutions concerned including charges levied for the school bus maintained by the school or actual fares paid for Railway Pass for students or bus fare certified by the head of institute.
iiGrants to meet Hostel charges in full or those studying in Boarding Schools and Colleges.
iiiCost of Books and Stationery: Rs. 1000/- per annum per student or the amount claimed by the student, whichever is less.
ivCost of Uniform where this is compulsory; Rs. 1700/· at the maximum during 1st year and Rs. 700/- for the subsequent years per annum per student or the amount claimed by the student, whichever is less.
vClothing: Rs. 500/- for the 1st year and Rs. 300/- for the subsequent years per annum per student or the amount claimed by the student, whichever is less.
Auth: Government of India, Min of Defence Letter No. 1(3) 2008/D (Pay/Services dt. 13-8-2008).

Benefits NOKs: Battle Casualties (Fatal). In addition to benefit as enumerated above following benefits are applicable to NOKs of Battle casualties (fatal).

S. No.DescriptionAmount entitledProcessed By
I15th August, 1947 to 19 August, 1993NilNil    CDA(P)Allahabad
 20th August, 93 to 30 April, 95Rs. 1 LacRs. 1 Lac
 01sf May, 95 to 31sf July, 97Rs. 2 LacsRs. 2 Lacs
 01st August, 97 onwardsRs. 7.5 LacsRs. 7.5 Lacs
 All other operations other than OP VIJAY (Kargil)Death due to Enemy/AN E Action Rs. 5 lacsDeath due to Enemy/AN E Action Rs. 5 lacs
 01st May, 99-31 st October, 99 OP VIJAY (Kargil) onlyRs. 10 LacsRs. 10 Lacs
(Auth: Government of India letter No. 20 (1 )/98/0 (Pay-Services) dated 15th October, 1999)
viNational Defence fund (OP VIJAY Kargil Only)Rs. 5 lac (Dwelling Unit) Rs. 2 lacs (Parent AssistanceRs. 2 Lacs (Children EducationAssistance)AG’s Branch& (R&WC Sec)
 (Auth: Army HQ SOP Letter No. B/46981/NOF/AG/CW-7 dated 03 September, 99)
BDeath GratuityLength of ServiceCDA(P)Allahabad
CLiberalized Family PensionLast pay drawnCDA(P)Allahabad
DArmy Group insuranceRs. 10 lacs for OffrsRs. 5 lacs for PBORW.e.f. 01st September, 03AGI Dte
EAWWARs. 5000/-Central AWWAAssociation(Marriedsoldiers only)
FArmy Offrs BenevolentRs. 50,000/-G’S Br (CW-8)Offrs only
GEducational ConcessionsAs stated in Para 2 (e) above 
HArmy Central Welfare FundRs. 30,000/-AG’sBranch(R&W Sec)
 (Auth: Army HQ Letter No. B/45401/AG/R&W dated 29th March, 2001
 Other concessions:-i. Government married accommodation for two years at Government rates which is extendable to 3 years in exceptional cases (Auth-Government of India, Ministry of defence letter No. 13 (40)/97/D (Q&C) dated 16th August, 99) Reservation of seats in professional institutionsHousing 3% reservation By AWHO